Speech on Solar System and Planets

6 years ago

Our Solar System is the planetary system bound by the gravitation of the Sun and all the bodies that revolve…

Speech on Self Discipline and its Importance

6 years ago

Self-discipline is an important aspect of everyone’s life. Self-discipline helps you achieve perseverance and the capability to win as well…

Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Essay

5 years ago

Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, known as one of the greatest Bengali of all times, was a highly educated author, philosopher, academic…

Importance of Water Essay

6 years ago

Water is life. Every living being on Earth needs water to survive. Plants need water to fetch nutrients from the…

Speech on National Flag on India

6 years ago

The Indian National flag symbolizes freedom of India and it holds great respect and honor in the mind and heart of…

Speech on Soil Pollution

6 years ago

For years, soil pollution has been one of the biggest environmental issues that the whole world is trying to tackle.…

Solar System and Planets Essay

6 years ago

Our solar system consists of a sun, eight planets, satellites, dwarf planets, asteroids, meteoroids and comets. The eight planets are…

Importance of Trees in our Life Essay

6 years ago

Trees make Earth fit for the survival of human beings and other living organisms. They provide us air to breathe,…

Constitution of India Essay

6 years ago

The constitution of India became effective on 26th January 1950; though it was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November…

Constitution of India Speech

6 years ago

The Constitution of India is the superlative law of India. The manuscript offers the structure differentiating the essential political rules, code, framework, processes, duties and…