Which is the Biggest Dam in Maharashtra

7 years ago

The basic purpose of a dam is to retain water for using it for various purposes like- Electricity generation, agriculture…

Which is the Widest River in the United States

7 years ago

It is a very difficult question to answer, because many rivers in United States attain different widths during their flow…

Values Essay

7 years ago

Values are the teachings given to a person mostly by his elders. A person's behaviour and actions are largely based…

Conservation of Natural Resources Essay

5 years ago

Natural resources are those resources that are made available to us by nature. Sunlight, air, water and minerals are some…

Speech on Family Planning

7 years ago

Family planning is extremely crucial for the couples given the exponential surge in the population growth rate. There is a…

Which is the Widest River in the World

7 years ago

The Amazon River which is the longest river in the world with a length of 6992 Km (approx 4300 miles)…

Which is the Second Longest River in India

7 years ago

Godavari is the second longest river in India however it is the longest river in Maharashtra. It is flowing west…

Which is the Longest River in India

7 years ago

Ganges is the longest River in India with a total length of 2525 Km (1569 mi), flowing east from the…

Speech on Vocational Education is the Need of the Hour

7 years ago

Vocational education is truly the need of the hour. And especially in country like India where major percentage of our…

Speech on Soldiers

6 years ago

We are able to have a sound sleep at night because we know for a fact that our soldiers are…