Time Essay

6 years ago

Our time is one of the things that must be used wisely and efficiently. A person who uses his time…

Sports and Games Essay

5 years ago

Sports and Games are very essential activities for physical and mental development. Whether played sitting on a chair, like a…

Speech on Democracy vs. Dictatorship

5 years ago

Hon’ble Principal Sir, Vice Principal Sir, respected Teachers, and my dear friends; I am honoured to deliver a speech in…

World Population Day Essay

6 years ago

World Population Day is celebrated on 11th July each year. The day has exclusively been chosen to spread awareness about…

Zoo Essay

6 years ago

Zoo is a facility where animals, birds, reptiles and other species are kept in confinement and are provided proper nourishment…

World Health Day Essay

5 years ago

World Health Day is celebrated each year on the 7th of April to emphasize the need to lead a healthy…

Speech on Freedom of Press

7 years ago

What is meant by ‘freedom of press’? Everyone wants freedom but with freedom also comes lot of responsibilities and if…

Barriers to Empowerment of Women in India Essay

7 years ago

Women have been suppressed since centuries. India particularly has a patriarchal set up where women are seen second to men.…

Earthquake Essay

6 years ago

Earthquake occurs due to disturbance in the tectonic plates that lie under the surface of Earth. Earthquakes may be brief…

Speech on Plastic Pollution

5 years ago

Plastic pollution is a great source of pollution both for land and water. Even worse, it is even threatening to…