Impact of Global Warming on Oceans Essay

5 years ago

Global warming has become a major cause of concern in today’s time. Among other things, it is having adverse effect…

Speech on Pollution Caused by Firecrackers

6 years ago

We all know that pollution is also caused by firecrackers. Despite our government putting a ban on the use of…

How Plastic Bags are Harmful to Marine Life

7 years ago

Thrown by the public, plastic bags are one of the most commonly found garbage items on the sea beaches. Moreover,…

Population Growth Essay

5 years ago

Population growth today has become a serious matter of concern for the world. The world population has been consistently increasing…

Greenhouse Effect Essay

7 years ago

Greenhouse effect is the trapping of radiation in the lower atmosphere warming the temperature of the Earth. The natural greenhouse…

Save Environment Essay

7 years ago

Environment commonly refers to the surroundings in which all living and non-living things reside and establish a sense of attraction…

Ocean Acidification: Meaning, Facts Causes, Effects and solutions

7 years ago

Oceans cover more than two-third of the earth’s surface. They play a very important role in maintaining the biodiversity and…

Fashion Essay

6 years ago

Fashion is something that is in vogue. This particularly refers to clothing, hairstyle, footwear and various accessories. People these days…

History of Global Warming Essay

7 years ago

Global Warming is the continual change in the Earth’s temperature due to the release of harmful greenhouse gases such as…

Speech on Importance of Family Values

7 years ago

Family values are intrinsic to our Indian Society because we do believe living in joint families. However, this very structure…