Independence Day Speech for Teachers

6 years ago

Independence Day is a significant event celebrated with patriotic fervor throughout the length and breadth of India. The day witnesses…

Paragraph on Jawaharlal Nehru

6 years ago

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was one of the main leaders who fought during India’s freedom struggle. He went on to become…

Paragraph on Mahatma Gandhi

5 years ago

Mahatma Gandhi is known as the father of the Nation. He was one of the most loved and respected Indian…

Save Water Save Earth Essay

5 years ago

Water is one of the most essential natural resources that mankind has. It is believed that first traces of life…

Speech on My School

6 years ago

We all know the importance of school in our lives. In fact, school students are often asked to write a…

Traffic Jam Essay

6 years ago

Traffic congestion is a condition caused by the increasing number of vehicles on the road resulting in congestion, road blockage,…

Paragraph on National Festivals of India

5 years ago

National Festivals are the festivals which are important for every Indian. People celebrate it with enthusiasm and zeal. These national…

Waste Management: Meaning, Types/Methods, Importance, Benefits, and Solutions

7 years ago

During the primitive days, human beings used to discard their household waste such as trash, other worthless or defective items…

A Picnic with Family Essay

6 years ago

Picnic with family is among the most relaxing getaways to enjoy during weekends or vacations. Be it in a park…

Environment and Development Essay

5 years ago

Environment and development are interrelated. One cannot think of development without considering the environment. While focusing on development, if the…