Save Water Save Life Essay

5 years ago

Water is highly necessary for the existence of life on earth. Water is as much needed for the survival as…

Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization

7 years ago

Pollution is one of the biggest issues that we as a society face today. The everyday deteriorating environment is a…

Paragraph on Health

6 years ago

A person’s standard of living, ways of approaching any problem, dealing with situations, reacting and responding to the circumstances, behaviour…

Paragraph on Adventure

6 years ago

It is rightly said, “Jobs fill your pockets but adventures fill your soul”. Most people view adventure as something that…

Summer Camp Essay

5 years ago

Summer camp is a closely supervised programme which is usually offered to young teenagers and children aimed at improving the…

Freedom of the Press Essay

6 years ago

Freedom of the press or media is the belief system that communications to the public through the medium of print,…

Essay on AIDS

6 years ago

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS is a syndrome that, as the name suggests, weakens the body’s immune system. The…

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay

5 years ago

Summer holidays are considered to be the best time for students to explore themselves and their surroundings more as they…

My Plans for Summer Vacation Essay

5 years ago

There is something really exhilarating about the idea of summer vacations. It is the long vacation and the relief from…

Paragraph on Save Earth

5 years ago

Save Earth is one of the basic manners we all can include in our daily routine. Earth is the place…