How can students help save the environment

7 years ago

Over the years, global warming has led to geologically significant conditions and processes with damaging implications. The space for wildlife…

Paragraph on Unemployment

5 years ago

Unemployment is a serious social and economic concern almost all over the world. It leads to many social ills. Unemployment…

How to save our Environment

7 years ago

Environmental protection generally refers to the preservation of trees and greenery, but in a broader sense it includes protection of…

Who was the First to Invade India

5 years ago

A land of abundance, India has witnessed numerous invasions by various emerging powers from time to time in its long…

Rainwater Harvesting Speech

5 years ago

Rainwater harvesting is an extremely important activity globally in the present times as the whole world is in a desperate…

Speech on Youth

7 years ago

There is no reason to doubt that it is youth that shapes the future of a country. If its youth…

Smog – Types, causes, Ill-effects and how to prevent

7 years ago

When dense smog chocked the National Capital Region in November 2017, there was widespread concern. Even words such as gas…

Essay on Corruption Free India

5 years ago

India faces the problem of corruption at various levels. This problem is eating our country internally. It is time each…

Essay on Fuel

7 years ago

Fuel is basically any substance that generates chemical or nuclear energy. Different types of fuels are used in different tasks.…

Speech on Water

6 years ago

Water is an important natural resource without which no life can be imagined. Still, people exploit this major resource and…