Paragraph on Zoo

5 years ago

A zoo, or zoological garden or park, is a property where a large number of wildlife species are housed. The…

Paragraph on Honesty

6 years ago

Honesty will always stand us in good stead. By being honest we can be confident and walk with our head…

Essay on Benefits of Planting Trees

6 years ago

Trees and plants are one of the main reasons why we are alive on this earth. They provide the life…

Who was in India before the British

5 years ago

India was largely ruled by Mughal Empire, before the British annexation started in the year 1757. Marathas and Sikhs also…

Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

7 years ago

Greenhouse effect is a complex process in which the surface and atmosphere of the Earth become warm by the complexities…

Global Warming and Climate Change

7 years ago

Global warming and climate change are often referred to interchangeably but there is a clear difference between the two. Global…

Facts about Global Warming

7 years ago

As we all are aware, the average global temperature has been rising due to increase in greenhouse gases. But we…

Global Warming Solutions

7 years ago

Global warming implies continuous increase in the temperature of Earth's atmosphere. The phenomenon is mostly a result of human activities,…

Speech on Value of Time

7 years ago

We all know the value of time, but at times fail to catch up with it and in the end…

Essay on Man

6 years ago

We all understand the term man (Plural – Men). It is a familiar term which is commonly used. But do…