Essay on Addiction

6 years ago

Addiction of anything is bad – be it a drug, a person or a habit. While everyone around may advise…

Speech on Value of Education

6 years ago

In the present times, everyone knows the value of education and this is the reason why so much stress has…

Paragraph on Save Water

6 years ago

Humans need water to drink, and cook their food with. Water is needed for agriculture. We need water to maintain…

Essay on Ethics

7 years ago

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that defines the concepts of right and wrong within a society. The ethics defined…

Meatless Day

6 years ago

The International Meatless Day is celebrated on November 25 every year across the globe. It is also known as the…

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

6 years ago

Statistics show that there is around 370 million indigenous population around the world that resides in over 90 countries. Such…

World Animal Day

5 years ago

Word Animal day is observed on 4th October every year across the globe. This day calls for action of various…

World Sight Day

5 years ago

World Sight Day is commemorated every year on the second Thursday of the October month. It was first initiated by…

Speech on Unity is Strength

6 years ago

We all know that Unity is Strength and without unity human civilization cannot grow. Living in unity is of utmost…

Paragraph on Forest

6 years ago

Forests are nature’s boon to Planet Earth. Forests are made up of a variety of vegetation such as trees, plants,…