World Photography Day

6 years ago

World Photography Day is observed worldwide on 19th of August every year with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. The…

National Sports Day

6 years ago

Different countries celebrate their National Sports Day on dates as per their own history and dates, declared by their sports…

World Senior Citizens Day

6 years ago

The World Senior Citizens Day is celebrated on 21st of August every year. It was first proclaimed on 14th of…

International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction

5 years ago

International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction is observed annually on 13th of October with a view to spread awareness about…

World Ozone Day

5 years ago

International Day for the preservation of Ozone Layer is an annual observance. It is celebrated on 16th of September every…

World Tsunami Awareness Day

6 years ago

In the year 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations nominated 5th November as the World Tsunami Awareness Day.…

World Press Freedom Day

6 years ago

World Press Freedom Day is observed every year on 3rd of May around the world. The United Nations General Assembly…

Essay on Ideal Student

7 years ago

An ideal student is one who studies dedicatedly, behaves sincerely in school and at home and also takes part in…

Know Who All Ruled India

5 years ago

Since the ancient time, India has remained under international spotlight, due to its immense wealth, spices, gold and an enormous…

Slogans on Mother’s Day

6 years ago

Mother’s Day is celebrated on different dates around the world. In India it is celebrated on the second Sunday of…