Diseases caused by Soil pollution

6 years ago

The topmost part of the Earth's surface is called soil. The soil is formed from inorganic factors such as water…

Soil Pollution

6 years ago

What is Soil Pollution? Any undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological properties of the soil, which is harmful…

Time Management Essay

6 years ago

Time Management is the technique to use one’s time efficiently so as to make the most of it. As easy…

Communal Harmony Essay

5 years ago

India is a land of diverse religions. It has set an example of unity in diversity as people of different…

Human Rights Essay

7 years ago

Human Rights are basically the rights that every person has by virtue of being a human being. These are protected…

Welcome Speech for Seminar

6 years ago

Seminars are organized in educational institutions and different organisations during which various issues of significance are hotly debated. In fact,…

Welcome Speech for Award Ceremony

6 years ago

Different award ceremonies are organized in an educational institution during which students, teachers, principals or hosts are required to deliver…

Welcome Speech for Fresher’s Party

6 years ago

Fresher’s Party are organised to welcome the new comers in educational institutions. These parties are addressed by seniors, teachers or…

Facts about Air Pollution

6 years ago

The air, in which we breathe, is becoming poisonous day by day. Air pollution leads to disastrous effects on health…

Peace and Harmony Essay

7 years ago

Peace and Harmony is the basic requirement of any nation. The citizens of a country feel safe and secure and…