Aarti Shukla

Being a literature person, I am extremely passionate about reading and pouring down my thoughts on papers. So what better than adopting writing itself as a profession? With more than four years of experience in the given field, I have been able to build online reputation of my clients and supported them with content in various niches, such as travel, fashion, home decor, science and technology, to name a few. However, when I look back it feels as if it's just the beginning of this journey and still there's a lot more to explore through the magical world of books and reach out to a wider audience through my flair for writing.

Speech on Junk Food

The gravest problem that the world today is dealing with is obesity, after the wars based on religion. There are more people dying of obesity than cancer. And that is a fact engulfing the thoughts and research hours of people all around the entire world. The much talked about thing is health. Everyone has become …

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Speech on Kindness

Kindness is that virtue that is most practiced yet it needs instilling in all of us. There is still scope for learning more. There is still more need as the needy have not yet reduced to zero. So the need to teach children to be kind is still not over. In fact the elders and …

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Speech on Life

Clearly, life is the most precious gift given to us by God and it’s up to us in which direction we would like to take it. We can either make it or break it through our actions. So it’s a very pertinent topic to address either in school, college, office or on a public platform. …

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Speech on Politics

Politics is a very commonly used term whether we talk about it in the context of political parties or in a broader framework. We often observe political leaders delivering a speech on politics while upholding their ideologies and thought processes. But, other than political leaders, students, teachers as well as social activist groups too are …

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Speech on Agriculture

Agriculture is certainly one of the most significant activities of a country as it not only feeds millions of people, but also contributes towards the overall growth of the GDP. At various social events, school or college functions, agriculture is a much talked about topic. In fact, for the government too, it’s a pertinent issue …

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Speech on Newspaper

Newspaper is an indispensable part of our lives. We all read newspaper, some read it for political news, some for gossip sections, some for editorial sections – the needs are diverse. Thus, the importance of newspaper is talked of every time in order to increase its readership and inculcate the habit of reading. So whether …

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Speech on Generation Gap

Generation gap is unavoidable as wherever we go people from different times are bound to come together. So one should respect this generation gap and try to come to terms with it else there will be frictions everywhere. In the current scenario, where we find younger generation becoming exposed to an ultra modern outlook on …

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