Aarti Shukla

Being a literature person, I am extremely passionate about reading and pouring down my thoughts on papers. So what better than adopting writing itself as a profession? With more than four years of experience in the given field, I have been able to build online reputation of my clients and supported them with content in various niches, such as travel, fashion, home decor, science and technology, to name a few. However, when I look back it feels as if it's just the beginning of this journey and still there's a lot more to explore through the magical world of books and reach out to a wider audience through my flair for writing.

Speech on Obesity

Obesity is a serious health condition and should not be taken lightly. There are many programs being conducted to raise awareness and help people overcome the problem of obesity. In fact, health advisories are seen giving speeches on obesity and advising people what should be eaten and what should not be eaten. If you are …

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Speech on Health

The much talked about thing these days is Health. Everyone has become conscious about what to eat and what to avoid. People have taken up physical exercise or a sport to keep themselves fit. A lot of gyms have come up as a result; health canters too have mushroomed in every locality. A whole lot …

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Speech on Grandparents

Grandparents Day is celebrated very fondly in every school and on this occasion the children give speeches in their morning assemblies. It is not just for the special days that the speech is given. Sometimes in the public gatherings where a lot is spoken about grandparents these special words are required to thank the grandparents …

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Speech on Dreams

Just like sleep, dreams are important too simply because they give our lives a meaning as well as direction. Without dreams, our lives would be like an aimless, lost ship on the sea. And, no one would want to make his/her life like an aimless wandering ship. There is more to it. So if you …

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Speech on Drug Abuse

It’s very important to sensitize our youth on the subject of drug abuse. Drugs are destroying the lives of our youth and putting their future in a great darkness. The use of drugs is making their lives vulnerable and prone to destruction. Therefore, it becomes very important to raise awareness about it amongst our youth …

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Speech on Clean India

Clean India has become the mission of every native Indian or anyone living here. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan launched by Shri Narendra Modi Ji, our prime minister, has greatly influenced everyone so much so that everywhere we see people taking the broom in their hands and sweeping off their streets and roads. In fact, many …

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Speech on Baisakhi

Baisakhi is also an important festival being widely celebrated in the state of Haryana and Punjab. This festival marks the maturity of Rabi crops and hence is a symbol of prosperity and wealth for the farming community. Since this festival is fast approaching, many may have been planning the celebration. In fact, people are seen …

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Speech on Books

Books are indeed everyone’s best friends, provided we make them our best companions and devote ample time towards developing a great connection with them. There could be such time when you may be asked to deliver a speech on books explaining its importance and the role good books play in our lives. Therefore, in order …

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