Aarti Shukla

Being a literature person, I am extremely passionate about reading and pouring down my thoughts on papers. So what better than adopting writing itself as a profession? With more than four years of experience in the given field, I have been able to build online reputation of my clients and supported them with content in various niches, such as travel, fashion, home decor, science and technology, to name a few. However, when I look back it feels as if it's just the beginning of this journey and still there's a lot more to explore through the magical world of books and reach out to a wider audience through my flair for writing.

Speech on Youth

There is no reason to doubt that it is youth that shapes the future of a country. If its youth is diligent and hardworking, then that nation is bound to progress, but if it’s youth is indolent and insincere, then no one can save that country from downfall. The topic “Youth” is a relevant subject …

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Speech on Water

Water is an important natural resource without which no life can be imagined. Still, people exploit this major resource and cause wastage of water. Therefore, in the present times we are dealing with an acute shortage of water. In order to spread awareness among people for a fair utilization of this resource, speech on water …

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World Animal Day

Word Animal day is observed on 4th October every year across the globe. This day calls for action of various causes related to animals including their rights, welfare, etc. October 4th is chosen for this cause in honor of St. Francis of Assisi – an animal lover and patron saint for animals, whose feast day …

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World Sight Day

World Sight Day is commemorated every year on the second Thursday of the October month. It was first initiated by the Lions Club International Foundation under the Sight First Campaign in the year 2000. This day is celebrated to create awareness about vision impairment, blindness and other sight related problems. Approximately 90% of blind people …

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Speech on Disaster Management

Disaster Management has received great importance in recent times. Disaster management is required to handle the natural calamity and disasters efficiently. Disaster management in some cases may not avert or avoid the situation, but it can certainly minimize the impacts. The indirect or direct effects of disasters, whether natural, man-made, industrialized or technological, are always …

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