Aarti Shukla

Being a literature person, I am extremely passionate about reading and pouring down my thoughts on papers. So what better than adopting writing itself as a profession? With more than four years of experience in the given field, I have been able to build online reputation of my clients and supported them with content in various niches, such as travel, fashion, home decor, science and technology, to name a few. However, when I look back it feels as if it's just the beginning of this journey and still there's a lot more to explore through the magical world of books and reach out to a wider audience through my flair for writing.

Global Terrorism Essay

Global Terrorism refers to the presence of terrorism and terror modules at several significant locations throughout the globe. Unlike other isolated terror activities mainly targeting the government of a nation, merely to out throw it; global terrorism seeks to establish Islamic prophecy in the entire world, by killing innocent people and destabilizing the governments. There …

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Good Mother Essay

No love can come even close to the love mother feels for the child. Most women are naturally good mothers. Mothers share the bond of unconditional love and affection with their children. Mothers always take care that their children are happy, safe and healthy throughout their lives. Mothers are meant to be the mentors for …

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Speech on Organ Trafficking

Organ trafficking is a very critical issue today, especially in India. Many departments such as Medical, Police Department, representatives of United Nations and World Health Organization and various other departments often discuss this critical issue including schools and colleges for making students aware of the criticality of this issue. You may have to deliver speech …

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Farewell Speech by Students

Farewell Speeches by Students Samples Farewell party/events take place in every school, college, Institutes, etc. and farewell speech is one of the most important aspects that must be influential and captivating at the same time. We are sharing here some samples of farewell speech by students that can be used at farewell parties in schools …

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Speech on Global Terrorism

Global Terrorism can be described as the methodical use of crime and violenceĀ for creating a general atmosphere of threat and fear across amongst the people and thus to fulfill a specific political purpose. Our speech on global terrorism can help an individual deliver an effective and influential speech in any seminar, debate, discussion, etc. Now-a-days, …

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