Anand Srivastava

Essay on Abraham Lincoln

Introduction Abraham Lincoln was a popular political personality and the sixteenth president of the United States. He was a Christian…

5 years ago

Essay on Indira Gandhi

Introduction Indira Gandhi was the female prime minister of India. She was a woman who dominated not only Indian politics…

5 years ago

Essay on Kalpana Chawla

Introduction Kalpana Chawla was an American astronaut primarily belonging to India. She made India feel proud not only in the…

5 years ago

Essay on Rani Lakshmi Bai

Introduction Everyone is well familiarised with the valiant stories of Rani Lakshmi Bai. Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi had made…

5 years ago

Essay on Aryabhatta

Introduction Aryabhata was a great astronomer and mathematician of ancient India. He is known to use Algebra for the first…

5 years ago

Essay on Romeo and Juliet

Introduction Romeo and Juliet are the two characters in William Shakespeare's tragedy play. These were a couple who became a…

5 years ago

Essay on Martin Luther King

Introduction Martin Luther King Jr. was an American political activist and the most visible spokesperson. He was the first President…

5 years ago

Champaran Satyagraha – The First Satyagraha of India

Champaran Satyagraha was a kind of peaceful protest, first to be started by Mahatma Gandhi. It was started by him…

5 years ago

Essay on How to Save and Reduce House-Hold Water Use

How to Save and Reduce House-Hold Water Use Essay - (200 Words) Introduction We all know that water is a…

5 years ago

Essay on Thermal pollution

Introduction Thermal or Water Pollution is a kind of mixing of some unnecessary elements in freshwater, making it dirty and…

5 years ago