
Save Environment Essay

Environment commonly refers to the surroundings in which all living and non-living things reside and establish a sense of attraction…

7 years ago

Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned Essay

Plastic bags are a major contributor in plastic pollution - a kind of pollution which is deteriorating our environment. It…

6 years ago

Plastic Pollution Essay

Plastic pollution is damaging our environment rapidly. Waste plastic material is hard to dispose of and contributes to major pollution…

6 years ago

Plastic Bag Essay

Plastic Bags are used for various purposes. The most common use of these bags is to carry grocery items. These…

7 years ago

Paragraph on National Festivals of India

National Festivals are the festivals which are important for every Indian. People celebrate it with enthusiasm and zeal. These national…

5 years ago

Environment and Development Essay

Environment and development are interrelated. One cannot think of development without considering the environment. While focusing on development, if the…

6 years ago

Mother’s Love Essay

Mother’s love is the first and most important behaviour that a new born is subjected to. It must be understood…

5 years ago

Paragraph on Television

The television is a technological invention that allows the beaming of events happening anywhere enabling us to view them wherever…

6 years ago

Paragraph on Rainy Season

Rainy Season is one of the soothing seasons for each one of us. The tiny droplets of rain are loved…

5 years ago

Paragraph on Rainy Day

A rainy day is a pleasant day with cool breeze and rain showers. A rainy day has the capacity to…

6 years ago