
Music Essay

Music is the art of expressing ideas and emotions in significant sound forms by using the elements of rhythm, melody…

5 years ago

Money Essay

Money is the medium used by people to buy required goods and services. It is used as the source to…

6 years ago

Article on Health and Fitness

Health and fitness is the key to a long, active and enjoyable life. It is correctly stated that Health is…

7 years ago

All Saints Day

Introduction All Saints Day celebration is commonly known as the All Hallows, The Feast of All Saints, or the Solemnity…

6 years ago

International Week of Science and Peace

International Week of Science and Peace 2019 International Week of Science and Peace 2019 will be celebrated from Saturday (9th…

6 years ago

Legal Services Day

Legal Services Day Legal Services Day is celebrated every year on 9th of November in all the states Authorities. At…

6 years ago

Childrens Day

Children’s Day 2019 Children’s Day 2019 will be celebrated at Thursday, on 14th of November. When was First Children’s Day…

6 years ago

National Cooperative Week

National cooperative week is celebrated every year all over the India from 14th of November to 20th of November. This…

6 years ago

International Day for Tolerance and Peace

International Day for Tolerance and Peace is celebrated worldwide every year on 16th of November. It was first established by…

6 years ago

National Integration Day (Indira Gandhi’s Birthday)

National integration indicates the feeling of common identity amongst the people of country even after being from different races, cultures,…

6 years ago