Sujeet Kumar

Sujeet Kumar Jha is a prolific and versatile journalist with more than 10 years of experience in reporting and writing. Passionate about journalism and the other areas of communications, he has extensively written on a wide range of topics and issues for India’s leading publications. A Master in Mass Communication from GJU and Bachelor of Arts from University of Delhi, he has also handled desks, besides contributing to regular columns at various journalistic organisations.

How Plastic Bags are Harmful to Marine Life

Thrown by the public, plastic bags are one of the most commonly found garbage items on the sea beaches. Moreover,…

7 years ago

Renewable Energy: Meaning, Sources, Types, Examples, Importance and Advantages

Any energy that is obtained from those resources which are replenished naturally is known as renewable energy. For example solar,…

7 years ago

Acid Rain: Meaning, Facts, Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Acid rain is a grave problem which needs global attention. It has harmful impact on plants, aquatic animals, forests, freshwaters,…

7 years ago

Natural Resources Depletion: Meaning, Types, Facts, Causes, Effects and Solutions

Natural Resources Depletion Natural resource depletion refers to the decreasing amount of resources left on the Planet Earth. It occurs…

7 years ago

Littering: Causes, Problems and Solutions

Etymologically, litter means rubbish carelessly dropped or left about anywhere, especially in public places. Sadly, people are found littering the…

6 years ago

Why Plastic Bags should be Banned

Plastic bags pose a grave danger to the environment. The use of harmful chemicals in the production of plastic gives…

7 years ago

How to save and reduce Household Water use

It is rightly said that "water is life". It is difficult to imagine life without water as water is essential…

7 years ago

Garbage Pollution

Garbage has become a serious problem in the world today. According to a report published in Nature journal, the problem…

7 years ago

How can students help save the environment

Over the years, global warming has led to geologically significant conditions and processes with damaging implications. The space for wildlife…

7 years ago

Smog – Types, causes, Ill-effects and how to prevent

When dense smog chocked the National Capital Region in November 2017, there was widespread concern. Even words such as gas…

7 years ago