Vishal Duggal

Save Water Save Earth Essay

Water is one of the most essential natural resources that mankind has. It is believed that first traces of life…

5 years ago

Waste Management: Meaning, Types/Methods, Importance, Benefits, and Solutions

During the primitive days, human beings used to discard their household waste such as trash, other worthless or defective items…

7 years ago

Ozone Layer Depletion: Meaning, Facts, Causes, Effects, Prevention, and Solutions

The layer of ozone helps prevents the harmful ultraviolet rays away from entering the Earth’s atmosphere. Ozone layer depletion over…

7 years ago

How to Reduce Greenhouse Gases and their Emissions

Greenhouse gases are known for absorbing the infrared radiation from Sunlight and heating up the environment to unbearable limit for…

7 years ago

Loss of Biodiversity: Meaning, Causes, Effects and Solutions

Before looking deeper into the loss of biodiversity and its impacts, let us first understand what biodiversity really means. Meaning…

7 years ago

Save Water and Electricity Essay

Water and electricity are the two important necessities of today’s world. A human settlement cannot be imagined without the two…

5 years ago

Save Water Save Life Essay

Water is highly necessary for the existence of life on earth. Water is as much needed for the survival as…

5 years ago

Essay on AIDS

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS is a syndrome that, as the name suggests, weakens the body’s immune system. The…

6 years ago

Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources

Resources that occur in nature without the intervention of man and are necessary for humanity to survive and grow are…

6 years ago

Organ Trafficking Essay

Organ Trafficking is the trade of organs, tissues and other body parts of humans for the purpose of transplant, involving…

5 years ago