Vishal Duggal

Rome was not Built in a Day Essay

The phrase ‘Rome was not built in a day’ is a saying to remind that it takes time to create…

7 years ago

Carbon Footprint: Causes, Effects and Solutions

The world is in peril. In the race of progress, we have made such a mess with nature that there…

7 years ago

Groundwater Depletion: Meaning, Causes, Effects and Solutions

Groundwater is the water that seeps into the ground due to rain and other sources and keeps accumulating underneath. It…

7 years ago

Food Waste

According to a report of the World Food Organization, every seventh person is hungry in the world. As for India,…

7 years ago

How to reduce Office Electricity Bills

Electricity bill is a major component in terms of operational expenses of an organisation. Ever-increasing, exorbitant electricity bills have a…

7 years ago

How to reduce Indoor Air Pollution

In scientific terms, air pollution is caused by the presence of chemicals and compounds, which adversely affect the quality of…

6 years ago

Plastic Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solutions

At present, plastic pollution has become a serious global problem. Billions of plastic bags are thrown every year across the…

7 years ago

Thermal Pollution

No creature on Earth can live life in isolation but this inter-dependence of species in Nature is under grave threat…

7 years ago

Essay on My Father My Hero

Fathers are always special for their children but for some they are a constant source of inspiration. They go on…

5 years ago

How to save our Environment

Environmental protection generally refers to the preservation of trees and greenery, but in a broader sense it includes protection of…

7 years ago