National Epilepsy Day is celebrated by the Epilepsy Foundation, India. National Epilepsy Day is celebrated across India on November 17th,…
World Savings Day, also called the World Thrift Day, is celebrated every year on October 31 across the world. The ceremony…
National Technology Day is observed every year on 11th of May in India, acting as a reminder of the anniversary…
The International Day of Families is celebrated on 15th of May, at the headquarters of United Nations and around the…
World Photography Day is observed worldwide on 19th of August every year with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. The…
Different countries celebrate their National Sports Day on dates as per their own history and dates, declared by their sports…
The World Senior Citizens Day is celebrated on 21st of August every year. It was first proclaimed on 14th of…
International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction is observed annually on 13th of October with a view to spread awareness about…
International Day for the preservation of Ozone Layer is an annual observance. It is celebrated on 16th of September every…
In the year 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations nominated 5th November as the World Tsunami Awareness Day.…