
Slogans on Love

Love is the feeling arises in the heart of a person. It benefits both, the giver and receiver. Love is…

6 years ago

Slogans on Mother

A mother is the most important person in everyone’s life. She is like an eye viewed God on the earth…

6 years ago

Slogans on Nature

Nature is very important for the continuity of life on the earth. Everything on the earth is the part of…

6 years ago

Slogans on No Smoking

Smoking is a habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke by various means. Smoking is very injurious to the health…

6 years ago

Slogans on Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a way we can collect rain water into the tank, pond or other types of natural or…

6 years ago

Slogans on Deforestation

Deforestation is the complete removal of forests by people in order to fulfill the variety of purposes in such a…

5 years ago

Slogans on Cleanliness

Cleanliness is a very significant topic and have a vast meaning in its own. It is very necessary to be…

5 years ago

Slogans on Corruption

Corruption is a greedy and unethical behavior performed by a person to fulfill his/her wishes. Corrupted people take wrong benefits…

5 years ago

Slogans on Education

Proper and good education is very important for all of us. It facilitates quality learning all through the life among…

6 years ago

Slogans on Junk food

Junk foods are injurious to health. It makes people overweight and thus calls many serious diseases such as overweight, obese,…

5 years ago