
Slogans on Women Empowerment

The term “Women Empowerment” refers to empowering women, which in more basic terms means to provide women with opportunities to…

6 years ago

Slogans on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao is a campaign initiated by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to prevent gender biased sex…

5 years ago

Slogans on Blood Donation

Blood donation is a most important social service to the humankind. As being a human, we must donate blood to…

5 years ago

Slogans on Child Labour

Child labour is a crime and practiced in India for many years. It is one of the serious social issues…

5 years ago

Slogans on Diwali

Diwali is a most famous and religious festival for Hindus. It is celebrated every year all over the India as…

5 years ago

Slogans on Hindi Diwas

Hindi Divas is celebrated annually on 14th of September all over India to give importance to the Hindi language. It…

6 years ago

Slogans on Independence Day (15 August)

Independence Day in India is celebrated on 15th August to mark India’s Independence from British Empire on 15th August 1947. It…

6 years ago

Slogans on Importance of Education

Education is very important to all of us as it plays very important roles in our life. In order to…

5 years ago

Slogans on Labour Day

Labour Day is also known as May Day. It is celebrated every year on 1st of May and declared as…

6 years ago

Slogans on Republic day 2020

Republic day is one of the most important national events of India. The Constitution of India came into effect from 26th…

6 years ago