Social issues

Overpopulation in India

Overpopulation refers to an undesirable condition where human population exceeds the available natural resources to feed and sustain it. Today,…

6 years ago

Child Trafficking: Reasons, Laws and Solutions

According to an estimate, two million children are victims of child slavery every year in the world. One-third of them…

6 years ago

Illiteracy in India

According to a report by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), India has the highest population of…

6 years ago

Poverty in India

Poverty in India Poverty is a widespread condition in India. Since Independence, poverty is a prevalent concern. It is the…

6 years ago

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace in India

Indian Constitution provides right to equality to both women and men. Women have equal right to choose any profession and…

6 years ago

Child Labour in India

Children are always considered next to the pious versions of the Almighty who always strive to inculcate happiness, joy, innocence…

6 years ago

Marital Rape in India

Rape is the most heinous crime committed against women. It not only destroys a victim physically but also psychologically. It…

6 years ago

Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment in India “You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women”…

8 years ago

Juvenile Crimes in India

Juvenile Crimes in India and The Law Children are considered to be gifts from God and are greatest personal as…

8 years ago

Gender Inequality in India

Gender Inequality We proud Indians of 21st century rejoice in celebrations when a boy is born, and if it is…

6 years ago