Social issues

Untouchability in India

Untouchability Untouchability is a menace and social evil associated with traditional Hindu society. It is being practiced since times immemorial…

6 years ago

Bonded Labour in India

Bonded labor or bandhua majdoori is one among the various socio-economic evils of India. It is being practiced in our…

6 years ago

Child Sexual Abuse in India

Child Sexual Abuse Child sexual abuse is one of the most neglected social problems faced by our society. It is…

6 years ago

Starvation in India

Starvation in India According to a recent news report, an eighteen year old boy reportedly died of starvation in Ramgarh…

6 years ago

Child Marriage in India

According to a United Nations report, India has the second highest number of child marriages. For a nation which is…

6 years ago

Dowry System in India

Dowry in India Dowry is another social evil which is affecting Indian society like a disease and there seems to…

6 years ago