
Speech on Depletion of Natural Resources in India

We all know that our natural resources are depleting fast which is why it has given rise to an alarming…

5 years ago

Speech on Teachers Day Celebration

In India Teachers Day is celebrated on 5th September every year. The day is celebrated with much fun and joy…

5 years ago

Speech on Democracy vs. Dictatorship

Hon’ble Principal Sir, Vice Principal Sir, respected Teachers, and my dear friends; I am honoured to deliver a speech in…

5 years ago

Speech on Freedom of Press

What is meant by ‘freedom of press’? Everyone wants freedom but with freedom also comes lot of responsibilities and if…

7 years ago

Speech on Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is a great source of pollution both for land and water. Even worse, it is even threatening to…

5 years ago

Speech on Beat Plastic Pollution

“Beat Plastic Pollution” was the theme of 2018 World Environment Day and our country played the host on June 5…

5 years ago

Speech on Indian Education System

Indian Education System is much talked about these days because our central education minister and our government is putting in…

6 years ago

Speech on Pollution Caused by Firecrackers

We all know that pollution is also caused by firecrackers. Despite our government putting a ban on the use of…

6 years ago

Speech on Importance of Family Values

Family values are intrinsic to our Indian Society because we do believe living in joint families. However, this very structure…

7 years ago

Independence Day Speech for Principal

Looking forward to prepare an Independence Day Speech for your school on the eve of celebration? But don’t know how…

6 years ago