
Speech on My School Life

‘My School Life’ is often a subject of writing for the school students. It is also the favorite topic of…

6 years ago

Independence Day Speech for Teachers

Independence Day is a significant event celebrated with patriotic fervor throughout the length and breadth of India. The day witnesses…

6 years ago

Speech on My School

We all know the importance of school in our lives. In fact, school students are often asked to write a…

6 years ago

Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi is an extremely important figure for all the Indians and therefore none can forget his contribution towards winning…

5 years ago

Speech on Organ Trafficking

Organ trafficking is a very critical issue today, especially in India. Many departments such as Medical, Police Department, representatives of…

7 years ago

Farewell Speech by Teacher

Farewell Speech by Teacher Samples Farewell is a very common activity that takes place in every school and every college…

6 years ago

Farewell Speech by Students

Farewell Speeches by Students Samples Farewell party/events take place in every school, college, Institutes, etc. and farewell speech is one…

6 years ago

Farewell Speech for College Students

Farewell is a very common event that takes place in almost every school and college in every city big or…

6 years ago

Speech on Global Terrorism

Global Terrorism can be described as the methodical use of crime and violence for creating a general atmosphere of threat and…

7 years ago

Speech on Sports and Games

With the growing importance of Sports and Games in our country, it has become a much talked about topic for…

6 years ago