Environmental Issues

Ozone Layer Depletion: Meaning, Facts, Causes, Effects, Prevention, and Solutions

The layer of ozone helps prevents the harmful ultraviolet rays away from entering the Earth’s atmosphere. Ozone layer depletion over…

7 years ago

How to Reduce Greenhouse Gases and their Emissions

Greenhouse gases are known for absorbing the infrared radiation from Sunlight and heating up the environment to unbearable limit for…

7 years ago

Acid Rain: Meaning, Facts, Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Acid rain is a grave problem which needs global attention. It has harmful impact on plants, aquatic animals, forests, freshwaters,…

7 years ago

Loss of Biodiversity: Meaning, Causes, Effects and Solutions

Before looking deeper into the loss of biodiversity and its impacts, let us first understand what biodiversity really means. Meaning…

7 years ago

Natural Resources Depletion: Meaning, Types, Facts, Causes, Effects and Solutions

Natural Resources Depletion Natural resource depletion refers to the decreasing amount of resources left on the Planet Earth. It occurs…

7 years ago

Carbon Footprint: Causes, Effects and Solutions

The world is in peril. In the race of progress, we have made such a mess with nature that there…

7 years ago

Groundwater Depletion: Meaning, Causes, Effects and Solutions

Groundwater is the water that seeps into the ground due to rain and other sources and keeps accumulating underneath. It…

7 years ago

Littering: Causes, Problems and Solutions

Etymologically, litter means rubbish carelessly dropped or left about anywhere, especially in public places. Sadly, people are found littering the…

6 years ago

Food Waste

According to a report of the World Food Organization, every seventh person is hungry in the world. As for India,…

7 years ago

Why Plastic Bags should be Banned

Plastic bags pose a grave danger to the environment. The use of harmful chemicals in the production of plastic gives…

7 years ago