
Adventure Essay

Adventure is a thrilling experience which increases the excitement and the rush of adrenaline in the blood. It also refers to an activity that is exciting, exhilarating and having some element of risk. Mountain bike riding, Para gliding, swimming, parachute jumping, and dirt racing are some of the examples of adventurous activities. Adventure is often pursued for psychological improvement and also to gain knowledge and experiences as in case of exploration and jungle safaris. Adventure involves risk yet people long for it because of the boost it gives to one’s confidence and mood. It is surely good to be adventurous unless it is done after carefully analyzing the risk involved.

Long and Short Essay on Adventure in English

We have provided below short and long essay on Adventure in English.

The essays have been written in simple language to make them easily memorable and presentable whenever needed.

After going through the essays you will know what is adventure, what kind of activities are considered adventurous, what are the advantages and disadvantages of adventure etc.

These Adventure essay will prove helpful in your school/college events wherein you are required to write an essay, give a speech or take part in debate competition.

Adventure Essay 1 (100 words)

Adventure is the experience of some exciting activities. It is the unusual experience which comes from the activities full of courage, excitement and joy. It never thinks about the result. It may result positively which gives some benefits and negatively which hurts and make losses. However, adventurous people never mind the result and continue their adventure. Adventure exists in everything however it differs in the people’s mind. Adventurous people think about the adventure as a new chance and opportunity to go ahead and get success or experiences through failure however coward people take it as a fearful act and never try to do.


Adventure Essay 2 (150 words)

Bold people do adventure always in their life. They suppose adventure to do anything in their life. We can experience adventure everywhere like getting birth, first day of school, interfere with first class teacher first time, going to tour at some adventurous places, participate in some adventurous sports, games, taking dive in the swimming pool from high height and so many activities. Doing adventure in the life may be risky to a great extent however it may also bless with blessings of success.

It may be activities full of courage, joy and excitement with potential of doing anything. It may create physical and mental danger to the people. People doing activities like exploring, skydiving, mountaineering, participating in sports, river rafting and so many are really great who keep themselves in danger all time. People may get affected physically, mentally, financially, psychologically and intellectually but they become used to of taking risks.


Adventure Essay 3 (200 words)

Adventure is the collection of exciting activities which gives some unusual experiences. Such activities become full of excitement and courage which are generally daring and risky in nature. There are many people whom life becomes full of adventurous experiences. They become used of living risky and dangerous life. The meaning of adventure differs person to person however adventurous people take is in the same way. Adventurers take risky steps without thinking a little bit about unknown outcome. Adventures give excitement and courage to do anything impossible.


Doing adventure require full courage and excitement with strict discipline without worrying about outcome. Doing adventurous is not possible for everyone as now-a-days it has become so costly and competitive however nothing can stop people who are really adventurous. Ballooning sport is very adventurous having large scope for adventure however not affordable by everyone. It is full of risks of changing weather and helium filled in it. Other adventurous activities are crossing the Atlantic, mountain climbing, car racing, buggy jumping, speed boating, sky diving, adventure trips, visiting dangerous and rare places, trekking and many more. Brave people try to do activities never done before in order to make records.

Adventure Essay 4 (250 words)

Doing adventure is the most exciting experience of life. It contains lots of joy and happiness however full of risks. People are great who try adventures in life for unknown outcome. Adventure means differently for person to person as it gives different feelings and experiences. The feeling and experience of one person for any adventure can never be compared to the feeling an experiences of another person. Everyone gets pure joy ad happiness. A life without adventures is like a body without heart for all adventurers. Some great people have said that without adventures our lives are just an empty book.

Adventure makes our life worth, valuable and meaning, so we should try adventure at least once in life. It gives lots of courage and happiness to learn and live long life. Once I did an adventure in my past life. I went to the Nainital a year back, it was amazing to see for me as I never had seen such a beauty on the earth. It was full of greeneries and beautiful natural sceneries. Everything was amazing like running clouds, a big Tal on the top of maintain, lakes, very simple people and other things.

It gave me feeling of heaven on the earth. It was so cool and lovely environment. I wander there for whole day however I stay fresh and my eye was not tired. Somewhere roads were broken, inclined and so risky however I fully enjoyed all without fearing a little bit. I took lots of snaps to catch my adventure into the camera for my future.


Adventure Essay 5 (300 words)

Adventures are activities full of excitement and enthusiasm to do anything impossible. All the adventures are simple. It is tough to do however give amazing experiences in the life. It makes us to learn new things in life and arise some positive hopes within us. It ca be done by some daring people only however it gives different experiences to all according to the people thinking and ability to bear problems. It depends on how and in what way people take things in their mind. Some people take it easy and start doing as they already know about all the challenges of adventure. However some experience it tough and decide to never do it again.

Now-a-days, many discoveries channels on the TV shows variety of adventurous activities on daily basis. I am really fond of seeing all the adventures like sky diving, fishing, swimming, high jumping, mountain climbing, ballooning, crossing Atlantic, car racing, buggy jumping, speed boating, adventure trips, visiting dangerous and rare places, trekking and so many activities. Such people doing adventurous activities in their life are creating challenges for us to do such things in life.

They give us dare, excitement and most importantly a positive future for ourselves. They tell us that life is full of lessons and not empty for anyone, it is full of joy and adventures. They let us know that we all have many road to go to our destination, it is another thing that some are full of only happiness and some are full of adventure and challenges. But adventures give us lots of good experience and teach us to always chose tough path if you really want to enjoy the life. Such adventures make us brave and tough and prepare us to face anything in life and live a challenging life.


Adventure Essay 6 (400 words)

Adventure is doing anything first time, new, amazing or risky in the life with courage and excitement and without fear. My first day of school was adventure to me which gave me unforgettable experience. I always remember that event. I was so excited that how I would wake up in the early morning, get fresh, take bath, breakfast, and gets prepared for the school. My mother was also little bit worry about my first day to school as I was little bit naughty and lazy. She thought that how I would do everything at right time. At night, I went to my bedroom and closed the door. I still remember that I was not slept whole night.

I started wearing my the school dresses, shoes, hang my school bag to shoulder, take water bottle, my books, pencil box, and all thing which my mom brought for my school purpose. I was so excited that how I look in school dress, how I wear my socks and shoes, how I use my things in proper way and so many. Finally, night got over and it became morning with the nice sounds of birds in the sky. Sun was shining and sunlight was coming to me through window. My mom entered to my room, she tried to awake me by her lovely voice. Soon, I came out of my cover sheet and gave surprise to my mom. She was shocked and took me to prepare.

I went to my school with my mom in the school bus. I met there with friends and teachers. I was taken to the classroom by my class teacher and my mom was waiting outside in the garden like other moms. I was very silent in the classroom however I heard that my friends were weeping for their mother. My teacher closed the door and started showing us some interesting stories on the smart board. Everyone became happy. Then teacher asked introduction of everyone and told her name to us.

She told us that we are good boy and we have come to school daily without missing our mom. She was talking so politely and treating everyone in very sweet manner. She told that when you all come to school daily I would tell you nice stories on daily basis. After two hours, school became off and we all went to home with mom. It was the first time when my mom saw positive changes within me, she just said, you are a good boy.



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An Entrepreneur (Director, White Planet Technologies Pvt. Ltd.). Masters in Computer Application and Business Administration. A passionate writer, writing content for many years and regularly writing for and other Popular web portals. Always believe in hard work, where I am today is just because of Hard Work and Passion to My work. I enjoy being busy all the time and respect a person who is disciplined and have respect for others.

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