
Pollution Due to Diwali Essay

Diwali is one of the major Hindu festivals celebrated grandly throughout India. The festivities involve loads of activities including shopping, food, fireworks, worship etc. Crackers and fireworks have become an integral part of the celebrations. Fireworks are made from harmful chemical compounds like Sulphur, Cadmium, Mercury and lead, those release toxic fumes upon burning. Sometimes the fumes cause dense smog, making it harmful and difficult to breathe. Diwali is also a festival when huge shopping is done, thereby making plastic pollution a concern. Most of the times, every purchase is handed over to the buyer in thin non bio-degradable plastic bags.

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Long and Short Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali in English

We have provided below short and long essay on Pollution due to Diwali in English.

These essays on pollution due to Diwali festival have been written in simple yet effective English, elaborating on all the vital fact and information.

After going through these Pollution due to Diwali essay you will know what causes pollution in Diwali, what are the harmful effects on health and environment; how can we celebrate a safe and eco friendly Diwali.

With Diwali just around the corner, the essays will be very useful in your school events for speech giving or essay writing.

Essay on Pollution Caused by Diwali – Essay 1 (200 words)

Millions of crackers are burned throughout our country each year to celebrate the Diwali Festival. Burning crackers is like a ritual on this festival. It is a part of the celebration. The markets are flooded with different kinds of fire crackers during the Diwali season and people begin shopping for the same days before the festival.

Children are especially excited about burning crackers. However, even the adults indulge in this activity without giving it a thought that this act is causing pollution which is extremely harmful for the environment. Air pollution levels in our country are on an all time high during the Diwali festival. This has given rise to numerous health problems.

People, who suffer from asthma and other lung problems, particularly have a difficult time during Diwali. Their problem augments during this time and it becomes hard for them to breathe. The burning of crackers also causes noise pollution which is especially a problem for the elderly people and little kids. It is also scary for animals that look for places to hide themselves as we burn crackers to celebrate Diwali.

We must all remember that Diwali is the festival of lights not fire crackers. We should refrain from burning crackers and celebrate Diwali in a better way.


Essay on Effects of Fireworks on Environment in Diwali – Essay 2 (300 words)


Diwali is one of the main religious festivals of the Hindus. It is celebrated with great pomp and show each year. Lighting candles and diyas to illuminate houses, markets, offices and shops, making beautiful rangolis, preparing sweets, visiting friends and relatives, exchanging gifts, offering prayer to Lord Laxmi and Ganesha and burning fire crackers forms a part of the Diwali celebration.

While all else has been a part of the tradition since centuries, burning firecrackers started much later. Though it is a way of rejoicing the festival, it is not a good practice. It is taking away the beauty of this festival and incurring much criticism. It is adding to the pollution on Earth.

  1. Air Pollution

Air pollution level rises extremely high during the Diwali festival. The smoke emitted by burning fire crackers makes the air harmful to breathe. The effects of burning large number of crackers on Diwali can be felt even days after. It is known to cause various diseases. Lungs are worst affected by it.


  1. Land Pollution

The leftover pieces of the burnt crackers add to the land pollution. It takes days to clean these. Some of these pieces are non biodegradable. These cannot be disposed off easily and turn toxic over the time thereby adding to land pollution.

  1. Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is at its peak on Diwali. Firecrackers do not only burn bright and cause deadly smoke but also create enormous amount of noise pollution. This is especially a problem for the old people, students, animals and sick people. The noises are highly disturbing. Animals are worst affected by it.


Burning firecrackers is causing a serious harm to the environment. It is impacting life on Earth. It is ironic how even after knowing the after effects of burning crackers people still indulge in this act. It is time we all must stop taking pleasure in such trivial things and think about the bigger picture.


Essay on Pollution Free Diwali – Essay 3 (400 words)


Diwali is the festival of lights. It is eagerly awaited all year round. Houses, offices and shops are cleaned thoroughly around this time. People shop for new curtains, bed sheets and decorative items to re-decorate their place. The day is considered pious and many people reserve it for starting something new such as shifting to a new house, signing a business deal or finalizing and announcing wedding date.

A number of rituals form a part of this festival. Bursting fire crackers is one of them. While all the other traditions and rituals make this festival beautiful, burning fire crackers on this day gives it an ugly turn. This is the sad part of the Diwali celebration as it harms the environment and gives way to several health problems.

Say ‘NO’ to Crackers

Massive amount of fire crackers are burnt on Diwali. The already polluted environment gets all the more polluted due to the smoke emitted by crackers thereby making it difficult to breathe. Bursting crackers also leads to many other health problems such as burning sensation in the eyes, redness of eyes and skin and lung infections. Besides, the noise pollution caused due to them can have an adverse affect especially on the new born babies, elderly people and animals.


We must say no to crackers to avoid pollution and its harmful after affects. We should also inspire those around us to refrain from bursting crackers.

Spread Love Not Pollution

The beauty of festivals is that they bring our near and dear ones closer. As a part of the Diwali celebration, people visit each other and exchange gifts. Many people host parties on this day to celebrate the festival with their relatives and friends. The celebration begins by offering prayers to Lord Ganesha and Laxmi. This is followed by lighting diyas and candles and illuminating the house. A round of card game adds to the festive mood.

We must take this festival as an opportunity to bond with our loved ones by spending quality time with them. Having dinner, cracking jokes and sitting in the company of our friends and family members can be far more enjoyable than bursting crackers and adding to the pollution.

Diwali should be the time to spread love and joy not pollution.


Diwali is a beautiful festival and we must retain its beauty and sanctity by saying no to crackers. We must all pledge to say no to crackers to save our environment. A pollution free Diwali can be the best thing.


Essay on Diwali, Cracker, Pollution & Global Warming – Essay 4 (500 words)


Global warming is a result of the increasing amount of harmful gases in the atmosphere. Burning fire crackers on Diwali does just the same. The smoke emitted by burning these crackers is extremely hazardous. It augments the level of harmful gases in the atmosphere thereby adding to the effect of Global warning.

While the vehicular pollution and the industrial smoke is hard to control, Diwali pollution on the other hand can be avoided as burning fire crackers is not serving any purpose unlike the vehicles running on the roads and the goods being manufactured in the industries.

Diwali Pollution Adds to Global Warming

People often argue as to what difference it would make if they do not burn crackers on Diwali. Most people feel that one day of air pollution caused due to Diwali crackers cannot have a high impact on the overall atmosphere of our planet. But this is not true. Statistics reveal that the pollution caused due to the burning of fire crackers on this day is equivalent to that caused jointly by numerous vehicles running on the road for several days. It thus contributes majorly to global warming year after year.

Crackers Emit Deadly Smoke

Fire crackers are known to produce deadly smoke. The smoke emitted by the bursting of certain crackers is said to be much more harmful than that produced by factories and vehicles. It impacts the atmosphere far more adversely and causes numerous air-borne diseases. People suffer from breathing problems and many other health issues because of this hazardous smoke. Animals, birds and other living organisms are affected as badly.

Small Steps can make Big Difference

Bursting crackers does not do any good to anyone. It only deteriorates the air quality and causes health hazards. Why must we indulge in such an activity and put our lives at risk?

We can contribute our bit towards a healthier environment by celebrating Diwali without fire crackers. Diwali is a beautiful festival. Several customs and traditions form a part of this festival. From decorating and illuminating our place to wearing ethnic clothes, from meeting our near and dear ones to playing cards, from preparing homemade sweets to making colourful rangolis – there are so many enjoyable things to indulge in during this festival.

Striking off fireworks from the list should not impact the fun at all. However, it can do a lot of good to the environment. We must also inspire those around us to refrain from bursting crackers. Children must especially be educated about the harmful effects of crackers on the environment. Such small steps from our end can make a big difference.


Diwali is the time for celebration. It is the time to spread smiles and laughter. We must not ruin the fun by polluting the environment and incurring health problems. We must remember that this trivial act of ours is becoming a cause of global concern. It is contributing to global warming which is one of the biggest threats to our environment. We should act wisely and say no to crackers.


Essay on Diwali Pollution’s Harmful Effects and Control Measures – Essay 5 (600 words)


Diwali is one of the most loved and awaited festivals of Hindus. It is being celebrated since times immemorial with great pomp and show. People begin cleaning their houses days before the festival to welcome Goddess Laxmi. Houses and shops are illuminated with lights, diyas and candles on this day.

There is hustle, bustle and joy all around. Everything about this festival is joyous except one and that is the burning of fire crackers. Burning of crackers that form a part of the Diwali celebration is causing an alarming amount of pollution. This is impacting our environment adversely and creating enormous amount of difficult for the living beings.

Harmful Effects of Diwali Pollution

Here is a look at the harmful effects of Diwali pollution on the environment and life on Earth:

  1. Effect on the Environment

The smoke emitted by the burning of fire crackers on Diwali augments the level of harmful gases and pollutants in the air there by adding to air pollution. It impacts the environment severely. This festival falls just before the beginning of the winter season. The atmosphere around this time is misty. The smoke released by fire crackers gets trapped in the mist and this augments the impact of pollution.

  1. Effect on People

As the pollution level rises, the human health is impacted negatively. The air is filled with harmful pollutants that cause problems such as shortness of breath, choking of lungs, burning sensation in the eyes and redness and rashes on skin. Those already suffering from health problems such as asthma, heart problem and lung infections are worst affected by the aftermaths of burning crackers as their problems augment during this time. It gets difficult to breathe. Besides, the noise pollution caused on Diwali is unbearable and can cause deafening effects.

  1. Effect on Animals

Just as the human beings, the increase in the air pollution level after Diwali celebrations makes life difficult for the animals too. They find it difficult to breathe and suffer from various other illnesses caused due to the smoke emitted by fire crackers. They are also immensely affected by the noise pollution caused due to bursting of crackers. These innocent creatures are seen running around looking for places to hide to escape these loud noises.

Measures to Control Diwali Pollution

Here are some of the measures to control Diwali pollution:

  1. Sensitize Children

Children are particularly excited about burning crackers. They begin bursting fire-crackers days before the festival. Parents must take this as their responsibility to sensitize children about the harmful effects of burning crackers rather than merely asking them not to do so without giving any reason. Children these days are smart and will definitely understand why they must refrain from burning crackers.

  1. Ban on Firecrackers

The government must step in and put a ban on the manufacturing of firecrackers. This can be an effective way of controlling Diwali pollution. The problem cannot be curbed without the intervention of the government. If this is not possible then at least there should be a check on the manufacturing of crackers. Crackers that produce high amount of air and noise pollution must at least be banned.

  1. Go for Low-Noise/Low-Smoke Crackers

If we do have to burn crackers then we must choose them cautiously. It is a good idea to purchase those crackers that do not produce much noise and also do not emit much smoke.


We must act like responsible human beings and put an end to this inane practice of burning fire crackers. It is time to understand that this is not adding to the celebration, this is only adding to the pollution and causing serious harm to our planet.



Related Information:

Diwali Festival

Essay on Diwali

Speech on Diwali for School Students

Essay on Pollution Due to Firecrackers

Essay on Pollution due to Festivals

Speech on Pollution Caused by Firecrackers

Shailja Sharma

Shailja is one of those who is lucky to have turned her passion into her profession. A post graduate in English Literature, writing comes naturally to her and she is doing what she does best - writing and editing. An avid reader, a fashion junkie, nature lover, adventure freak and a travel enthusiast are some of the other terms that describe her.

Published by
Shailja Sharma