
Who is the greatest emperor of India

Emperor or Empress was the title given to the kings and queens of India by the British rulers during the…

6 years ago

How did the British come to Rule in India

Exploring New Trade Zones The English East India Company was founded in 1600. It was then known as The Company…

6 years ago

For How Many Years did the British Rule India

There is a myth of 200 years of British rule in India, but it is 190 years because we got…

6 years ago

Where is French India

France that Exists in India....... Today's Pondicherry comprises of a community of French people living in the city and French…

6 years ago

When was the French East India Company Formed

French East India Company (French name is "Compagnie française pour le commerce des Indes orientales") was a commercial enterprise formed…

6 years ago

When did the French Come to India

In 1674, French East India Company set up a trading centre at Pondicherry (which became the chief French settlement in…

6 years ago

When Was Ancient India Found

Also known as Indus Valley Civilization, the Ancient India was found around 3000 BCE, however, some evidences suggest there were…

6 years ago

Who was the First to Invade India

A land of abundance, India has witnessed numerous invasions by various emerging powers from time to time in its long…

6 years ago

Who was in India before the British

India was largely ruled by Mughal Empire, before the British annexation started in the year 1757. Marathas and Sikhs also…

6 years ago

Who was the first king of India

The great ruler Chandragupta Maurya, who founded Maurya Dynasty was indisputably the first king of India, as he not only…

6 years ago