Organic Farming

Organic Farming – What is Organic Farming, Types, Methods, Importance, Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Farming

Organic Farming is the natural way of farming in which no chemicals are used either as fertilizers, or pesticides. Organic Farming is done using only natural manures like organic wastes, farm wastes, animal wastes, compost, etc. It basically aims at keeping the soil alive with maintaining the health of soil. Crop rotation, mixed cropping and …

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Waste Disposal

Waste Disposal: Meaning, Facts, Information, Types/Methods, Importance and Solutions

The world has been facing the problem of waste disposal and the rapid industrial and technological development has only accentuated it. The increasing variety of waste has become one of the biggest challenges pertaining to environmental protection. In olden times, waste generated was generally organic in nature which would dissolve into the ground, but alongside …

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Speech on My School

We all know the importance of school in our lives. In fact, school students are often asked to write a small paragraph or brief speeches on “My School”. So considering the relevance of topic, speeches on My School have been covered in a comprehensive manner elucidating on the important role that schools play in children’s …

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Traffic Jam Essay

Traffic congestion is a condition caused by the increasing number of vehicles on the road resulting in congestion, road blockage, slower speed, longer route time and the loss of valuable time. Traffic jam occurs when the vehicles have to completely stop or move at a snail’s pace for a certain period of time. It is …

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Paragraph on National Festivals of India

National Festivals are the festivals which are important for every Indian. People celebrate it with enthusiasm and zeal. These national festivals remind India as a united nation. People irrespective of their caste, creed, community, gender, and authenticity came together and enjoy the festivity. Various National Festivals are as follows: Gandhi Jayanti: Annually Gandhi Jayanti is …

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Waste Management

Waste Management: Meaning, Types/Methods, Importance, Benefits, and Solutions

During the primitive days, human beings used to discard their household waste such as trash, other worthless or defective items simply by digging a hole and burying them. This method was useful in those days because the population was relatively small, their needs were limited and they used to produce the waste on a small …

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