Essay on Fuel

Fuel is basically any substance that generates chemical or nuclear energy. Different types of fuels are used in different tasks. Some of these tasks include warming, heating, cooking, producing industrial goods, running machinery, etc. Fuels generate chemical and nuclear energy as heat. These are used to accomplish various tasks with ease. Petrol, diesel, LPG, wood, …

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Speech on Water

Water is an important natural resource without which no life can be imagined. Still, people exploit this major resource and cause wastage of water. Therefore, in the present times we are dealing with an acute shortage of water. In order to spread awareness among people for a fair utilization of this resource, speech on water …

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Paragraph on Zoo

A zoo, or zoological garden or park, is a property where a large number of wildlife species are housed. The animals are not in the wild, but are instead kept in captivity in areas that replicate their natural habitats. There are mammals, birds, reptiles, fishes and amphibians that are kept in zoos. The animals are …

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